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It contains 39 important questions. Choose the most correct answer. Then check your answer. Try again if there are errors. Regards : www.onlinetest.kalvisolai.com

1 ➤ 192. Assertion: Plant retains the capacity for unlimited growth throughout their life.
Reason: This ability of the plants is due to the presence of meristem at certain location of body.

2 ➤ 193. Assertion: A sigmoid curve is a characterstic of living organism growing in a natural environment.
Reason: Sigmoid curve is an S shaped curve.

3 ➤ 194. Assertion: Auxin induces parthenocarpy in tomatoes.
Reason: 2,4 –D is used as herbicides.

4 ➤ 195. Assertion: GA increase the yield in sugarcane.
Reason: GA causes increase in length of sugarcane stem.

5 ➤ 196. Assertion: Cytokinin delays the leaf senescence.
Reason: Cytokinin promotes nutrient mobilization.

6 ➤ 197. Assertion: ABA increases the tolerance of plant to various kinds of stresses.
Reason: ABA stimulates the closure of stomata in the epidermis.

7 ➤ 198. Assertion: Ethylene increases the yield in cucumber.
Reason: Ethylene promotes female flower in cucumber.

8 ➤ 199. Assertion: Ethylene is a simple liquid PGR.
Reason: Etylene inhibits sprouting of potato tuber.

9 ➤ 200. Assertion: The pigment which causes photoperiodic stimulus is called phytochrome.
Reason: Chemically phytochrome is a starch and lipid.

10 ➤ 201. Assertion: Floral initiation is done by hormonal substance.
Reason: Hormonal substance is translocated from flowers to leaves.

11 ➤ 202. Assertion: Vernalization refers specially to the promotion of flowering by a period of low temprature.
Reason: Vernalization also seen in biennial plants.

12 ➤ 203. Assertion: Auxins have been used extensively in agriculture and horticulture.
Reason: They help to initiate rooting in stem cuttings.

13 ➤ 204. Assertion: A plant hormone is a growth regulator.
Reason: Growth regulators promote or inhibit the growth.

14 ➤ 205. Assertion: Expansion of a leaf is growth.
Reason: It is irreversible process

15 ➤ 206. Assertion: Plant posses open form of growth
Reason: Plant has meristmetic tissues

16 ➤ 207. Assertion: Growth in plant is measurable
Reason: We can measure growth of pollen tube in terms of its length

17 ➤ 208. Assertion: Secondary xylem is example of redifferentiated cells.
Reason: Secondary xylem develops from dedifferentiated cells.

18 ➤ 209. Assertion: Discovery of all 5 PGRs have been accidental
Reason: PGRs are simple molecules of diverse chemical composition

19 ➤ 210. Assertion: Auxins used for plant propagation.
Reason: They help to initiate rooting in stem cuttings.

20 ➤ 211. Assertion: In tea plantation hedge making is occur by decapitation.
Reason: Removal of apical bud usually results in the growth of lateral buds.

21 ➤ 212. Assertion: GA3 is used to speed up the melting process in brewing industries
Reason: GA3 leads to synthesis of α-amylase hydrolysing enzyme which is responsible for partial hydrolysis of starch.

22 ➤ 213. Assertion: Ripened banana inhibit the ripening of stored unripe banana.
Reason: Ripened banana release ethylene which inhibit ripening process

23 ➤ 214. Assertion: Generally plant without leaf is unable to produce flower
Reason: Leaves are site of perception of light for flowering

24 ➤ 215. Assertion: ABA is known as stress hormone
Reason: ABA increases the tolerance of plants to several kinds of stresses.

25 ➤ 216. Assertion: 2, 4 D is selective weedicide
Reason: 2, 4 D is widely used to kill dicotyledonous weeds and doesn’t affect mature monocotyledonous plant.

26 ➤ 217. Assertion: GAs leads to early seed production in conifers
Reason: GAs hastens maturity period in juvenile conifers.

27 ➤ 218. Assertion: Ethylene helps the plants to increase their surface area for absorption.
Reason: Ethylene promotes root growth and root hair formation.

28 ➤ 1. Ethylene is used for

29 ➤ 2. Coconut milk contains

30 ➤ 3. The effect of apical dominance can be overcome by which of the following hormone

31 ➤ 4. Match the following:
(A) IAA (i) Herring sperm DNA
(B) ABA (ii) Bolting
(C) Ethylene (iii) Stomatal closure
(D) GA (iv) Weed–free lawns
(E) Cytokinins (v) Ripening of fruits

32 ➤ 5. Apples are generally wrapped in waxed paper to

33 ➤ 6. Growth can be measured in various ways. Which of these can be used as parameters to measure growth?

34 ➤ 7. The term synergistic action of hormones refers to

35 ➤ 8. Plasticity in plant growth means that

36 ➤ 9. To increase the sugar production in sugarcanes, they are sprayed with

37 ➤ 10. ABA acts antagonistic to

38 ➤ 11. Monocarpic plants are those which

39 ➤ 12. The photoperiod in plants is perceived at

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