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It contains 97 important questions. Choose the most correct answer. Then check your answer. Try again if there are errors. Regards : www.onlinetest.kalvisolai.com

1 ➤ 1. Partial oxidation of glucose without the help of oxygen into pyruvic acid is known as

2 ➤ 2. The scheme of glycolysis is given by

3 ➤ 3. Which of the following is correct about glycolysis (EMP pathway)?

4 ➤ 4. Number of controlled steps required in glycolysis are:

5 ➤ 5. In plant the end product of photosynthesis is

6 ➤ 6. The enzyme which converts sucrose to glucose and fructose.

7 ➤ 7. Glucose → Glu-6-phosphate occurs due to the enzyme

8 ➤ 8. Common to all living organism is

9 ➤ 9. 1 molecule of glucose on glycolysis produces

10 ➤ 10. Which of the following is a energy yielding process?

11 ➤ 11. Yeast poisons themselves to death when alcohol concentration reaches to ________ in alcoholic fermentation.

12 ➤ 12. Lactic acid fermentation occurs in

13 ➤ 13. How much percentage of energy is released in fermentation?

14 ➤ 14. Which of the following relation shows substrate level phosphorylation?

15 ➤ 15. Which of the following is a ‘5C’ compound?

16 ➤ 16. At how many places in Kreb’s cycle NADH + H+ is formed?

17 ➤ 17. At how many places in Kreb’s cycle FADH2 is formed?

18 ➤ 18. ETS is present in

19 ➤ 19. Match the column:
A. NADH dehydrogenase – 1. Complex IV
B. Cytochrome bc1 – 2. Complex III
C. Cytochrome aa3 – 3. Complex I
D. ATP synthase – 4. Complex V

20 ➤ 20. Ubiquinone transfer its electron to

21 ➤ 21. Which of the following is correct about cytochrome?

22 ➤ 22. 1 molecule of NADH gives rise to ________ molecules of ATP, while 1 molecule of FADH2 gives ________ molecule of ATP

23 ➤ 23. O2 acts as

24 ➤ 24. Which type of phosphorylation occurs in mitochondria?

25 ➤ 25. When 12H+ pass through F0-F1 particle, how many ATPs are produced?

26 ➤ 26. Identify A, B, C and D in the given figure.

27 ➤ 27. To form a respiratory balance sheet, the calculations can be made on certain assumptions like

28 ➤ 28. How many molecules of ATP are produce by oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose?

29 ➤ 29. Which of the following is incorrect about fermentation?

30 ➤ 30. Respiratory pathway is best defined as

31 ➤ 31. Glycerol enters the respiratory pathway at

32 ➤ 32. Amino acid enters in the respiratory pathway at

33 ➤ 33. Fatty acid for entry into Kreb’s cycle is degraded to

34 ➤ 34. RQ for tripalmitin is

35 ➤ 35. RQ for protein is

36 ➤ 36. RQ for carbohydrate is

37 ➤ 37. Conversion of pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol is facilitated by

38 ➤ 38. Fermentation is represented by the equation

39 ➤ 39. Anaerobic respiration takes place in the

40 ➤ 40. What is the total gain of energy during anaerobic respiration?

41 ➤ 41. Cyanide resistant pathway is

42 ➤ 42. Energy accumulating in ATP is

43 ➤ 43. In plants, respiration takes place

44 ➤ 44. In both aerobic and anaerobic respiration which same product is formed?

45 ➤ 45. Which of the following is the reverse of photosynthesis?

46 ➤ 46. The process of phosphorylation takes place in

47 ➤ 47. Match the given below organelles with their function:
A. Kreb’s cycle – 1. Stalked particles of mitochondria
B. Photorespiration – 2. Cytoplasm
C. Oxidative phosphorylation – 3. Peroxisomes
D. Glycolysis – 4. Inner surface of membrane of mitochondria

48 ➤ 48. Match the name of scientist with his work:
A. PPP (Pentose Phosphate Pathway) – 1. Kuhne
B. Demonstration of fermentation – 2. Kreb’s
C. TCA cycle – 3. Warburg‒Dickens
D. Glycolysis – 4. Embden Mayerhof Parnas

49 ➤ 49. Match the correct answers with the type of respiration and respiratory substrates:
A. Respiration – 1. Proteins
B. Floating respiration – 2. Starch
C. Cytoplasmic respiration – 3. Carbohydrates
D. Protoplasmic respiration – 4. Lactose

50 ➤ 50. The energy yielded as a result of total oxidation of one glucose molecule during cellular respiration is to convert

51 ➤ 51. The connecting link among glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and beta-oxidation of fatty acid is

52 ➤ 52. Which of the following is the source of respiration?

53 ➤ 53. From the substrate level, how many phosphorylation ATP are produced?

54 ➤ 54. Select the incorrect statement:

55 ➤ 55. The aerobic respiration yields

56 ➤ 56. How many ATP are used/required in glycolysis or for the complete phosphorylation of a glucose molecule?

57 ➤ 57. Identify A to E in the given figure.

58 ➤ 58. Isomerization takes place in

59 ➤ 59. In cellular respiration, O2 is used as a final receptor of

60 ➤ 60. The first stage in respiration is

61 ➤ 61. Besides the net gain of 2 ATP molecules in glycolysis which other molecules are simultaneously formed?

62 ➤ 62. The total ATP production during EMP pathway is

63 ➤ 63. Glycolysis takes place in

64 ➤ 64. Pyruvate (pyruvic acid) dehydrogenase is used in converting

65 ➤ 65. The number of molecules of pyruvic acid formed from one molecule of glucose at the end of glycolysis is

66 ➤ 66. What is the other name of glycolysis?

67 ➤ 67. The common phase between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is called

68 ➤ 68. The oxidation of one NADH2 yields

69 ➤ 69. The end product of glycolysis is

70 ➤ 70. The first step of glycolysis is:

71 ➤ 71. Which of the following is the correct sequence of glycolysis?

72 ➤ 72. Which intermediate compound is involved in the synthesis of amino acids?

73 ➤ 73. In ATP molecule, the energy is stored in

74 ➤ 74. What indicates A to F in the given figure?

75 ➤ 75. Kreb’s cycle is termed as the aerobic phase of respiration because

76 ➤ 76. Between which of the following stages, GTP is formed by substrate level phosphorylation?

77 ➤ 77. How many molecules of ATP are produced per molecule of FADH2 oxidized?

78 ➤ 78. A molecule of ATP is formed when electron passes from

79 ➤ 79. Kreb’s cycle is also known as

80 ➤ 80. The link between glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle is

81 ➤ 81. The reaction of Kreb’s cycle take place

82 ➤ 82. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the

83 ➤ 83. Which of the following is the correct sequence in Kreb’s cycle?

84 ➤ 84. In how many steps, CO2 is released in aerobic respiration of pyruvic acid?

85 ➤ 85. The formation of acetyl coenzyme–A from pyruvic acid is the result of its

86 ➤ 86. Oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation both require the electron carrier

87 ➤ 87. In an electron transport chain, in terminal oxidation, the cytochrome which donates electrons to O2 is

88 ➤ 88. The last or terminal cytochrome in respiratory chain is

89 ➤ 89. The correct sequence of electron acceptor in ATP synthesis is

90 ➤ 90. In Kreb’s cycle, the FAD precipitates as electron acceptor during the conversion of

91 ➤ 91. RQ for glucose is

92 ➤ 92. With which of the following fatty acid the value of RQ is one?

93 ➤ 93. RQ is defined as

94 ➤ 94. RQ of fatty substances is generally

95 ➤ 95. RQ of sprouting potato tubers will be

96 ➤ 96. RQ in anaerobic respiration is

97 ➤ 97. What do alphabets A to E indicates in following figures?

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